在俄亥俄州Darke县55mph区 高速追逐超过86mph后被捕的少年 Juvenile arrested after high-speed chase exceeding 86 mph in a 55 mph zone ends in Darke County, Ohio.
在俄亥俄州Darke县,一名青少年在55英里区域超速86英里后被捕。 A juvenile was arrested in Darke County, Ohio, after speeding 86 mph in a 55 mph zone. 司机逃离了一名副手,导致追逐,当汽车被困在树林中时,追逐便告结束。 The driver fled from a deputy, leading to a chase that ended when the car got stuck in woods. 司机因不遵守规定而被指控犯有重罪,并被带到少年拘留中心。 The driver was charged with a felony for not complying and taken to a juvenile detention center. 其他两名青少年未经指控被释放给父母。 The two other juveniles were released to their parents without charges.