在堪萨斯州劳伦斯 高速追逐后被捕的青少年 根据一辆偷来的卡车报告被捕 Teen arrested after high-speed chase in Lawrence, Kansas, following a stolen truck report.
一名来自托佩卡的17岁青年在堪萨斯州劳伦斯的高速追逐中当着警察的面被捕,此前有报道称福特·F-150失窃。 A 17-year-old from Topeka was arrested after leading police on a high-speed chase in Lawrence, Kansas, following a report of a stolen Ford F-150. 追逐于凌晨3时左右开始,当时警察试图拦住卡车,车速达到100英里以上。 The chase began around 3 a.m. when police attempted to stop the truck, which reached speeds over 100 mph. 追逐结束后,卡车被发现停在停车场,嫌疑人后来在附近一处财产上被捕,面临多项指控,并被带往少年拘留所。 After the chase ended, the truck was found parked, and the suspect was later arrested on a property nearby, facing multiple charges and taken to juvenile detention.