在严重的埃奥文风暴期间,爱尔兰警方帮助一名受困的游客安全返回家园。 Irish police helped a stranded tourist return home safely during severe Storm Éowyn.
在埃奥文风暴期间,爱尔兰警察(又称加尔达伊警察)协助一名受困游客安全返回家园,表明他们即使在恶劣的天气条件下也致力于公共安全。 During Storm Éowyn, Irish police, known as Gardaí, assisted a stranded tourist in returning home safely, demonstrating their dedication to public safety even in challenging weather conditions. 游客的经历突出了 Gardaí 的有益性质,并为游客提供了一个难忘的故事来分享。 The tourist's experience highlighted the helpful nature of the Gardaí and provided a memorable story for the tourist to share.