Google在AI研究上投资2 200万美元,在健康和可持续性等领域支持科学家。 Google invests $22 million in AI research, supporting scientists in areas like health and sustainability.
Google正在投资2 000万美元现金和200万美元云信用,以支持科学家和研究人员利用人工智能(AI)实施开创性项目。 Google is investing $20 million in cash and $2 million in cloud credits to support scientists and researchers using artificial intelligence (AI) for groundbreaking projects. 该举措由Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis宣布,旨在通过向包括稀有疾病、实验生物学、材料科学和可持续性在内的复杂科学研究提供财政和基础设施支持,促进私营部门和公共部门之间的合作。 The initiative, announced by Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis, aims to foster collaboration between the private and public sectors by providing financial and infrastructure support for complex scientific research, including rare diseases, experimental biology, materials science, and sustainability. 这一举动是在亚马逊向AI研究人员发放1.1亿美元的赠款和信贷宣布之后进行的。 This move follows Amazon's $110 million grants and credits announcement for AI researchers.