一场金融纠纷导致律师Chandrashekhar Yadav在印度被他的姐夫残酷杀害。 A financial dispute led to the brutal killing of advocate Chandrashekhar Yadav by his brother-in-law in India.
一名50岁的律师Chandrashekhar Yadav在印度北方邦被一辆汽车绑架、殴打和撞死,据称是他的离异姐夫Ranjeet Yadav因妹妹离婚案中的一场经济纠纷而被车撞死。 A 50-year-old advocate, Chandrashekhar Yadav, was kidnapped, beaten, and run over by a vehicle in Uttar Pradesh, India, allegedly by his estranged brother-in-law, Ranjeet Yadav, over a financial dispute in his sister's divorce case. Ranjeet已经被捕,警方正在寻找其他嫌疑犯。 Ranjeet has been arrested, and police are searching for other suspects. 法律界抗议这起杀人事件,要求逮捕行凶者。 The legal community protested the killing, demanding the arrest of the perpetrators.