两名PSNI官员在北爱尔兰纽里被一辆被盗车撞上后受伤. Two PSNI officers were injured after their vehicle was rammed by a stolen car in Newry, Northern Ireland.
两名PSNI官员受伤, 当他们的车被一辆被怀疑是被盗的蓝色马自达Demio在北爱尔兰纽里故意撞上. Two PSNI officers were injured when their vehicle was deliberately rammed by a suspected stolen blue Mazda Demio in Newry, Northern Ireland. 事件发生时,警官试图与车辆的乘客交谈。 The incident happened when officers tried to speak with the vehicle's occupants. 被盗汽车后来在Bessbrook被发现。 The stolen car was later found in Bessbrook. 在另外一起事件中,另一辆警车在同一地区被一辆银色面包车撞到。 In a separate event, another police vehicle was rammed by a silver van in the same area. 军官的伤情被认为并不严重,但当局警告说,结果可能更糟。 The officers' injuries are not considered serious, but authorities warn the outcomes could have been worse.