数千人聚集在多哈为教育步行,支持边缘化儿童的学校。 Thousands gathered in Doha for a Walk for Education, supporting schools for marginalized children.
千人聚集在多哈的MIA公园参加"教育至上"基金会为教育而举办的"教育之行"活动, Thousands gathered at Doha's MIA Park for the Education Above All Foundation's Walk for Education event, marking the UN International Day of Education. 活动包括体育、艺术和讲习班,重点是“Buy a brick, build a school”运动。 Activities included sports, art, and workshops, with a focus on the 'Buy a Brick, Build a School' campaign. 这次活动得到QNB和KPMG等赞助者的支持,为Assalam学校筹集资金,帮助边缘化儿童的教育。 The event, supported by sponsors like QNB and KPMG, raises funds for Assalam Schools, aiding marginalized children's education.