卡塔尔儿童博物馆因其斋月教育项目赢得创新奖。 The Children's Museum of Qatar wins innovation award for its educational Ramadan project.
卡塔尔儿童博物馆Dadu第二次获得HundrED创新奖, The Children's Museum of Qatar, Dadu, has won the HundrED Award for innovation a second time for its A-Z Ramadan Cards project. 这一举措在斋月期间通过以英语和阿拉伯语发放教育卡,向学生讲授卡塔尔和伊斯兰的习俗,促进同情心和文化理解。 This initiative promotes empathy and cultural understanding during Ramadan by teaching students about Qatari and Islamic customs through educational cards in English and Arabic. 该奖项在国际教育日获得,突出展示了博物馆的创新教育方法及其与卡塔尔基金会的伙伴关系。 The award, received on the International Day of Education, highlights the museum's innovative educational methods and its partnership with the Qatar Foundation.