研究显示,男性白人医生更有可能在学术医学领域得到晋升,这突出表明了多样性改革的必要性。 Study reveals white male doctors more likely to be promoted in academic medicine, highlighting need for diversity reforms.
DEI倡议旨在使工作场所更具包容性,但因可能破坏精英制和造成分裂而面临批评。 DEI initiatives aim to make workplaces more inclusive but face criticism for potentially undermining meritocracy and causing divisions. 一项研究表明,白人男性医生在学术医学方面比妇女和少数民族更容易得到晋升,尽管初级招聘率较低。 A study shows white male doctors are more likely to be promoted in academic medicine compared to women and racial minorities, despite lower entry-level hiring rates. 这突出表明,学术机构需要解决偏见问题,促进多样性。 This highlights a need for academic institutions to address biases and promote diversity.