小型家庭滑雪企业的游客人数激增,对滑雪作为精英的形象提出挑战。 Small family ski businesses see surge in visitors, challenging image of skiing as elitist.
美国各地家庭拥有的小型滑雪企业的游客增多,雪雪条件改善,吸引人们寻求更负担得起、更面向社区的滑雪体验。 Small, family-owned ski businesses across the U.S. are seeing a rise in visitors and better snow conditions, attracting those seeking more affordable and community-oriented skiing experiences. 这一趋势挑战了滑雪纯粹是一种昂贵和精英活动的概念,因为更多的人选择在大型度假胜地上建造小型、当地经营的滑雪山。 This trend challenges the notion that skiing is exclusively an expensive and elitist activity, as more people opt for smaller, locally-run ski hills over big resorts. NPR报告说,这一转变从爱达荷州的Boise开始。 NPR reported this shift from Boise, Idaho.