一名二年级生在德克萨斯小学 被困在车门后死了 A second-grader died after their coat got stuck in a car door at a Texas elementary school.
得克萨斯州Gateway小学的一位二年级生在放学时 外套被卡在车门里后死亡 A second-grader at Gateway Elementary in Texas died after their coat got stuck in a car door during school drop-off. 尽管学校管理人员和第一反应人员立即试图进行干预,但该儿童被送往Golden Plains社区医院,随后死亡。 Despite immediate attempts to intervene by a school administrator and first responders, the child was transported to Golden Plains Community Hospital where they later died. 警察出于对家庭的尊重,没有释放这名儿童的名字。 The police did not release the child's name out of respect for the family. 社区对这一悲惨的损失感到悲痛。 The community is grieving this tragic loss.