一名15个月的婴儿被发现在一辆停泊的汽车中死亡,当时他无意中被留在佛罗里达州。 A 15-month-old infant was found dead in a parked car after being unintentionally left behind in Florida.
一名15个月的婴儿被发现死在佛罗里达南苏姆特中学附近的一辆停泊汽车中。 A 15-month-old infant was found dead in a parked car near South Sumter Middle School in Florida. 一名家庭成员在前往学校而不是日托时忘记了孩子,无意中留下孩子。 The child was unintentionally left behind by a family member who forgot them while heading to the school instead of daycare. 下午4时18分左右,议员收到了一份报告,后来发现了婴儿。 Deputies received a report around 4:18 p.m. and discovered the infant later. 苏姆特县治安官办公室与验尸官办公室和州检察官办公室一起正在调查这一事件,并向家属表示哀悼。 The Sumter County Sheriff's Office, along with the Medical Examiner's Office and State Attorney's Office, is investigating the incident, expressing condolences to the family.