Richard Mantha被控殴打七名女性, 于5月中风后恢复审判。 Richard Mantha, accused of assaulting seven women, resumes his trial in May after a stroke.
Richard Robert Mantha被控在卡尔加里对7名妇女进行性攻击,定于5月恢复审判。 Richard Robert Mantha, accused of sexually assaulting seven women in Calgary, is set to resume his trial in May. 面对包括绑架和性攻击在内的20项指控,Mantha在解雇其律师并中风后被推迟审判。 Facing 20 charges including kidnapping and sexual assault, Mantha's trial was delayed after he fired his lawyer and suffered a stroke. 尽管语言能力降低,但一名法医精神病学家认为他适合接受审判,Judith Shriar法官维持了这一决定,认为他能够通过手势和书写与律师沟通。 Despite reduced verbal skills, a forensic psychiatrist deemed him fit to stand trial, a decision upheld by Justice Judith Shriar, who found him capable of communicating with his lawyer through gestures and writing.