Republic Republic Republic Republic. Dan Swanson, 退伍军人, 成为十年来第一个担任伊利诺伊州众议院委员会主席的共和党人。 Republican Rep. Dan Swanson, a veteran, becomes the first Republican in a decade to chair an Illinois House committee.
共和国共和党人丹·斯旺森,退役陆军中校,服役27年,已被任命为伊利诺伊州退伍军人之家事务委员会主席。 Republican Rep. Dan Swanson, a retired Army lieutenant colonel with 27 years of service, has been appointed as the chairman of the Illinois House Veterans' Affairs Committee. 这标志着共和党十多年来第一次在伊利诺伊州众议院主持一个委员会,民主党自1990年代以来在伊利诺伊州众议院占据多数。 This marks the first time in over a decade that a Republican has chaired a committee in the Illinois House, where Democrats have held the majority since the 1990s. Swanson由民主之家议长Chris Welch选择,旨在为伊利诺伊州的退伍军人提供服务,并推进有利于他们的立法。 Swanson, chosen by Democratic House Speaker Chris Welch, aims to serve Illinois veterans and advance legislation beneficial to them.