警方与圣芭芭拉的路障嫌疑人进行谈判;没有确认公共安全威胁。 Police negotiate with barricaded suspect in Santa Barbara; no public safety threat confirmed.
Santa Barbara警察局发布社区警报,因为一名疑犯在花园街的公寓楼内被设置路障,涉嫌袭击。 The Santa Barbara Police Department has issued a community alert due to a barricaded suspect in an apartment complex on Garden Street, suspected of assault. 警方正在与嫌疑人谈判,并证实大楼外的公共安全没有受到威胁。 Police are negotiating with the suspect and have confirmed there is no threat to public safety outside the building. 执法和消防部门人员正在对该地区进行监测,如果有更多信息,将提供最新情况。 The area is being monitored by law enforcement and fire department personnel, with updates to follow as more information is available.