俄亥俄州丹尼尔·卡特·比尔德大桥的修复进度提前了 南行道定于3月重新开放 Ohio's Daniel Carter Beard Bridge repairs are ahead of schedule, with southbound lanes set to reopen in March.
俄亥俄州交通部正在修复 Daniel Carter Beard桥 11月火灾后关闭 The Ohio Department of Transportation is working to repair the Daniel Carter Beard Bridge, closed since a November fire. 尽管冬季气温高,但船员仍使用加热器维持混凝土灌注的理想条件,每灌注大约需要一周时间。 Despite winter temperatures, crews are using heaters to maintain ideal conditions for concrete pours, a process that will take about a week per pour. 该项目已提前完成,预计3月将重新开放南向通道。 The project is ahead of schedule, with the southbound lanes expected to reopen in March.