丹尼尔·卡特·比尔德大桥因火灾被关闭,引发结构性检查。 The Daniel Carter Beard Bridge was closed due to a fire, prompting structural inspections.
Daniel Carter Beard大桥(I-471)于星期五上午在桥下发生火灾,双向关闭。 The Daniel Carter Beard Bridge (I-471) was closed in both directions due to a fire that erupted under the bridge early Friday morning. 消防员在凌晨3时30分左右作出反应,成功地扑灭了火焰,这引起了人们对桥梁结构完整性的关切。 Firefighters responded around 3:30 a.m. and successfully extinguished the blaze, which raised concerns about the bridge's structural integrity. 来自俄亥俄州和肯塔基州交通部门的检查员将评估损害情况。 Inspectors from the Ohio and Kentucky transportation departments will assess the damage. 幸运的是,没有人员受伤的报告,但桥梁的重新开放时间仍不明确。 Fortunately, no injuries have been reported, but the bridge's reopening timeline remains unclear.