Nebraska学生因用激光瞄准警察直升机而被捕,这是最近林肯发生的第三起此类事件。 Nebraska student arrested for pointing laser at police helicopter, third such incident in Lincoln recently.
Nebraska-Lincoln大学的一名18岁学生因用激光瞄准一架协助警察追捕的Nebraska州巡逻直升机而被逮捕。 An 18-year-old University of Nebraska-Lincoln student was arrested for pointing a laser at a Nebraska State Patrol helicopter assisting in a police pursuit. 这种行为可能暂时失明飞行员,被视为联邦罪行,是两个月后林肯发生的第三次此类事件。 This act, which can temporarily blind pilots and is considered a federal crime, is the third such incident in Lincoln in two months. 该学生被指控犯有二级袭击罪,并被带到兰开斯特县监狱。 The student was charged with second-degree assault and taken to Lancaster County Jail.