3岁男子开枪自杀后被指控;强调新的密歇根州枪支安全储存法。 Man charged after 3-year-old shot themselves; highlights new Michigan safe-storage law for firearms.
1 月 18 日,一名 3 岁的孩子在密歇根州大急流城意外开枪自杀,由一名 23 岁的男子照顾,该男子被指控违反该州的枪支安全储存法。 A 3-year-old accidentally shot themselves in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on January 18, under the care of a 23-year-old man who has been charged with violating the state's safe-storage law for firearms. 儿童遭受了严重但无生命威胁的伤害。 The child suffered serious but non-life-threatening injuries. 这种指控可能导致最高10年监禁或最高7 500美元的罚款。 The charge could result in up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $7,500. 这一事件突出了新的安全储存法,该法要求在未成年人出现时,必须保护火器。 The incident highlights the new safe-storage law that requires firearms to be secured when minors are present.