黎巴嫩中央银行代理行长采取步骤在经济危机中恢复信任。 Lebanon's acting central bank governor takes steps to restore trust amid economic crisis.
黎巴嫩中央银行代理行长瓦西姆·曼苏里博士已采取步骤,清除银行总部的障碍并重新开放公共博物馆,从而恢复对该国金融系统的信任。 Lebanon's acting central bank governor, Dr. Wassim Mansouri, has taken steps to restore trust in the country’s financial system by removing barriers from the bank's headquarters and reopening a public museum. 在黎巴嫩经济危机中, 曼苏里一直专注于稳定货币和防止有害投机。 Amid Lebanon's economic crisis, Mansouri has focused on stabilizing the currency and preventing harmful speculation. 他旨在通过处理冻结的银行存款和使金融业务符合国际标准,恢复对银行部门的信任,这是复苏的关键步骤。 He aims to restore trust in the banking sector, a critical step for recovery, by addressing frozen bank deposits and aligning financial operations with international standards.