意大利滑雪运动员Federica Brignone, 34,赢得妇女世界杯下坡,创下年龄纪录。 Italian skier Federica Brignone, 34, wins women's World Cup downhill, setting an age record.
意大利滑雪运动员Federica Brignone在德国Garmisch赢得了女子世界杯下坡比赛,在0.01秒内击败了队友Sofia Goggia。 Italian skier Federica Brignone won the women's World Cup downhill race in Garmisch, Germany, beating teammate Sofia Goggia by 0.01 seconds. Brignone的胜利标志着她第32次职业胜利,也是34岁妇女世界杯史上妇女世界杯史上最古老的胜利。 Brignone's win marks her 32nd career victory and the oldest in women's World Cup history at age 34. Lindsey Vonn, 目标是2026年奥林匹克运动会, 错过了大门,没有完成。 Lindsey Vonn, aiming for the 2026 Olympics, missed a gate and did not finish. 一架滑雪机因受伤而从航程中空运出来后,比赛推迟了。 The race was delayed after a skier was airlifted from the course due to an injury.