萨拉·赫克托赢得了世界杯大滑雪比赛, 进入总体积分榜的前列. Sara Hector won the World Cup giant slalom, moving to the top of the overall standings.
奥运冠军萨拉·赫克托(Sara Hector)于星期六在斯洛文尼亚克兰日斯卡·戈拉(Kranjska Gora)赢得世界杯女子大奖, 距离来自阿尔巴尼亚的18岁的Lara Colturi还有1.42秒。 Olympic champion Sara Hector won the women's World Cup giant slalom in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, on Saturday, finishing 1.42 seconds ahead of 18-year-old Lara Colturi from Albania. 这场胜利使赫克托在巨滑山和总体积分榜上都位居第一. This victory moved Hector to the top of both the giant slalom and overall standings. 意大利滑雪运动员Federica Brignone首次跌倒,结束了她扩大领先的机会。 Italian skier Federica Brignone fell in the first run, ending her chances of extending her lead. 女子滑雪赛将于周日举行. The women's slalom event is scheduled for Sunday.