家庭保险的报价在2024年上升了10.5%,但在最后一个季度下跌了2.2%。 Home insurance quotes rose 10.5% in 2024 but dropped 2.2% in the final quarter.
家庭保险报价在2024年年增长10.5%,随后从9月至12月下降2.2%。 Home insurance quotes saw a 10.5% annual increase in 2024, followed by a 2.2% drop from September to December. 西米德兰的季度降幅最大,为3.3%,苏格兰降幅最小,为0.7%。 The largest quarterly decrease was 3.3% in the West Midlands, while Scotland saw the smallest drop at 0.7%. 2014年2月以来,总保险费上升了65.1%。 Since February 2014, overall premiums have risen by 65.1%.