偷渡者发现温哥华岛海滩上装满食物的手提箱;调查正在进行中。 Hikers discover suitcases filled with food on Vancouver Island beach; investigation ongoing.
两名远足者在温哥华岛Juan de Fuca公园Mystic海滩的一块岩板上发现两件湿透的手提箱,里面装满食物,包括香肠、奶酪、牛排、洋葱和土豆。 Two hikers found two soaked suitcases filled with food, including sausages, cheese, steak, onions, and potatoes, on a rock ledge at Mystic Beach in Juan de Fuca Park, Vancouver Island. 行李箱的原产地不明。 The origin of the suitcases is unknown. BC公园正在调查这一事件,并强调负责任的娱乐、适当的废物处置和包装所有废物以保护环境和野生生物的重要性。 BC Parks is investigating the incident and emphasizes the importance of responsible recreation, proper waste disposal, and packing out all waste to protect the environment and wildlife.