迦纳议员威胁如果政府在2024年12月之后解雇雇员, 就会起诉, 称其违宪. Ghanaian MP threatens lawsuit if government fires post-December 2024 hires, calling it unconstitutional.
加纳国会议员Vincent Ekow Assafuah威胁说,如果政府解雇2024年12月7日之后雇用的工人,则要起诉政府,声称这种行动违宪。 An MP in Ghana, Vincent Ekow Assafuah, has threatened to sue the government if it fires workers hired after December 7, 2024, claiming such action would be unconstitutional. Assafuah在参谋长要求获得各机构新雇用人员名单后这样说。 Assafuah said this after the Chief of Staff asked for lists of new hires from various agencies. 他承诺必要时通过法律手段保护这些雇员的权利。 He vowed to protect the rights of these employees through legal means if necessary.