中国有32名官员对造成52人死亡的致命高速公路倒塌事件负责。 China holds 32 officials accountable for a deadly highway collapse that killed 52 people.
在中国广东,32名公务员和4个组织对去年造成52人死亡、30人受伤的致命高速公路坍塌事件负有责任。 In Guangdong, China, 32 civil servants and four organizations were held accountable for a fatal expressway collapse that killed 52 people and injured 30 last year. 这次事故是长期降雨和道路维护不良造成的,突出显示了建筑和监督方面的重大失误。 The accident, caused by prolonged rainfall and poor road maintenance, highlighted significant failures in construction and oversight. 惩罚包括正式训斥和书面自我批评报告。 Punishments include formal reprimands and written self-criticism reports.