中国开始在海南建造一个新的商业空间发射场,增加两个发射台和支助设施。 China begins construction on a new commercial space launch site in Hainan, adding two launch pads and support facilities.
中国在海南省商业航天器发射场第二阶段的施工已经开始,包括两个液体推进剂火箭新发射台。 Construction on the second phase of China's commercial spacecraft launch site in Hainan Province has started, featuring two new launch pads for liquid propellant rockets. 扩建包括一个商业指挥和控制中心、火箭组装大楼和一个跟踪站,覆盖面积超过133公顷。 The expansion includes a commercial command and control center, rocket assembly building, and a tracking station, covering over 133 hectares. 该项目旨在加强发射能力,并支持中国商业空间部门在2024年11月成功完成首次飞行任务后的增长。 The project aims to enhance launch capabilities and support the growth of China's commercial space sector, following the successful completion of its first mission in November 2024.