由于80个病房和110个村庄依赖耗尽的地下水,孟加拉人面临严重的水压力。 Bengaluru faces severe water stress as 80 wards and 110 villages rely on depleting groundwater.
班加罗尔供水和污水处理委员会和印度科学研究所最近的一项研究表明,班加罗尔的 80 个区和 110 个村庄严重依赖日益减少的地下水,今年夏天面临严重的用水压力。 A recent study by the Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board and the Indian Institute of Science shows that 80 wards and 110 villages in Bengaluru rely heavily on diminishing groundwater, facing severe water stress this summer. 研究报告敦促转而采用Cauvery供水作为可持续的解决办法,并成立一个特别工作队来处理这一问题。 The study urges a switch to the Cauvery water supply as a sustainable solution, with a special task force formed to address the issue. 东南孟加拉和怀特菲尔德等地区特别容易受到伤害。 Areas like South-East Bengaluru and Whitefield are particularly vulnerable.