印度科技中心班加罗尔正面临水危机;解决办法在于处理污水(满足 80% 的需求),但由于耻辱感和缺乏认识而产生的抵制仍然存在。 Bengaluru, India's tech hub, faces a water crisis; solution lies in treating sewage water (80% of needs), but resistance due to stigmas and lack of awareness persists.
印度科技中心班加罗尔正面临水危机,每年的生活需水量高达 20.05 TMC。 Bengaluru, India's tech hub, faces a water crisis with annual domestic water requirements of 20.05 TMC. 印度科学研究所生态科学中心 (CES) 2016 年的一份报告表明,其中 80% 的需求可通过处理污水来满足,总计 16.04 TMC。 A 2016 report by the Centre for Ecological Sciences (CES) of the Indian Institute of Science suggests that 80% of these needs could be met by treating sewage water, totaling 16.04 TMC.