奥克兰为日本僧侣Kukai举办交响乐, Auckland hosts symphony tribute to Japanese monk Kukai, featuring Chinese and New Zealand musicians.
奥克兰最近接待了Kukai交响曲,这是对Kukai的音乐嘉奖,Kukai是日本僧侣,在中国和日本的文化交流中起关键作用。 Auckland recently hosted the Symphony Kukai, a musical tribute to Kukai, a Japanese monk pivotal in cultural exchanges between China and Japan. 由中国作曲家Zou Ye组成,交响曲由中国和新西兰音乐家组成,标志着其南半球首映。 Composed by Chinese composer Zou Ye, the symphony featured both Chinese and New Zealand musicians, marking its Southern Hemisphere premiere. 奥克兰市政厅的表演吸引了1,500多人的全场观众,由北京天津市文化媒体组织。 The performance at Auckland Town Hall drew a full audience of over 1,500 people and was organized by Beijing Tianguzhiyin Cultural Media.