阿拉巴马州立法者探讨改变学校筹资方式, Alabama lawmakers explore changes to school funding to enhance equity without raising taxes.
阿拉巴马州立法者正在探索改变州立学校资助制度, 以更好地满足学生的需要。 Alabama lawmakers are exploring changes to the state’s school funding system to better address student needs. 主要提案包括新的学生加权资助公式和混合模式,维持现行制度,但为特定学生群体增加额外资金。 The main proposals include a new student-weighted funding formula and a hybrid model that keeps the current system but adds extra funds for specific student groups. 该委员会的目标是在2月4日前向立法机构提出建议,重点是在不提高税收的情况下,改善筹资的公平和灵活性。 The committee aims to present its recommendations to the legislature by February 4, with a focus on improving equity and flexibility in funding without raising taxes.