1980年代,近44年后,一名69岁的男子因强奸一名82岁妇女被捕。 A 69-year-old man was arrested for raping an 82-year-old woman in the 1980s, nearly 44 years later.
一名来自Hoppers Crossing的69岁男子因1981年和1983年在墨尔本纽波特对82岁妇女Jessie Grace Lauder的性攻击而被捕并被指控犯有多项罪行,包括强奸和严重入室盗窃罪。 A 69-year-old man from Hoppers Crossing was arrested and charged with multiple offenses, including rape and aggravated burglary, in connection with the sexual assaults of an 82-year-old woman, Jessie Grace Lauder, in 1981 and 1983 in Newport, Melbourne. Lauder于1993年去世,但她的家人,包括她的孙子Malcolm,在将近44年的时间里继续寻求正义。 Lauder passed away in 1993, but her family, including her grandson Malcolm, continued to seek justice for nearly 44 years. 逮捕得到公众和媒体支持的协助,嫌疑人将在墨尔本治安法院出庭。 The arrest was aided by public and media support, and the suspect is set to appear in Melbourne Magistrates Court.