荷兰亿万富翁托布·科恩 (Tob Cohen) 的妻子莎拉·怀里姆 (Sarah Wairimu) 因 2019 年的谋杀案再次被捕。 Wife of Dutch billionaire Tob Cohen, Sarah Wairimu, is rearrested for his 2019 murder.
Sarah Wairimu, 荷兰亿万富翁Tob Cohen的妻子, 被指控在2019年死亡后再次谋杀。 Sarah Wairimu, wife of Dutch billionaire Tob Cohen, is charged with murder again over his 2019 death. Cohen的尸体被发现在化粪池里,Wairimu最初被捕,但由于证据不足而被释放。 Cohen's body was found in a septic tank, and Wairimu was initially arrested but released due to insufficient evidence. 刑事调查局提供的新物质证据导致她再次被捕。 New material evidence from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations led to her rearrest. 她否认参与,声称她的丈夫在被警方拘留期间被他人谋杀。 She denies involvement, claiming her husband was murdered by others while she was in police custody. 法官将决定她是否需要心理评估才能进行辩护。 A judge will decide if she needs a mental assessment before pleading. Wairimu目前关在Lang'ata女子监狱。 Wairimu is currently in Lang'ata Women's Prison.