一名服务生利用TikTok要求顾客停止在杯子里扔垃圾, A waiter used TikTok to ask customers to stop throwing trash in cups, making cleanup easier for staff.
一名服务生利用TikTok来强调顾客通常习惯在杯子里而不是在盘子上处理垃圾,这就使得清理工作更加困难。 A waiter has used TikTok to highlight the common customer habit of disposing of trash inside their cups instead of plates, which makes cleaning up more difficult. 服务员要求顾客将垃圾留在盘子或碟子上, The waiter asks customers to leave trash on plates or saucers for easier disposal and cleaning. 许多观众不知道这一习惯使工作人员感到烦恼,并承诺改变他们的行为。 Many viewers were unaware that this habit annoyed staff and pledged to change their behavior.