两名男子在堪萨斯州山城附近美国24号公路正面碰撞中丧生,其中一人越过中线。 Two men died in a head-on collision on U.S. 24 near Hill City, Kansas, after one crossed the center line.
两名男子于星期四在堪萨斯州格雷厄姆县希尔城附近 美国24号公路正面碰撞中身亡。 Two men died in a head-on collision on U.S. 24 near Hill City, Graham County, Kansas, on Thursday. 来自希尔城的 41 岁的耶利米·莱西·贝尔 (Jeremiah Lacey Bell) 驾驶一辆西行的 2000 年日产 Frontier 驶入东行车道,撞上了一辆由来自肯辛顿的 54 岁的格雷戈里·查德·伯格 (Gregory Chad Burger) 驾驶的东行 2018 年彼得比尔特 389。 Jeremiah Lacey Bell, 41, from Hill City, was driving a westbound 2000 Nissan Frontier that crossed into the eastbound lane, hitting an eastbound 2018 Peterbilt 389 driven by Gregory Chad Burger, 54, from Kensington. 两人都没有系安全带,在现场被宣布死亡。 Both were not wearing seat belts and were pronounced dead at the scene.