印度最高法院驳回了对TDS税制的质疑,认为请愿书起草得不好。 Supreme Court of India dismisses challenge against TDS tax system, deeming petition poorly drafted.
印度最高法院驳回了一项公共利益诉讼(PIL), 质疑根据《所得税法》在来源地减税的制度, The Supreme Court of India has dismissed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) challenging the Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) system under the Income Tax Act, deeming the petition "badly drafted." PIL辩称,TDS制度是任意的、非理性的,侵犯了基本权利。 The PIL argued that the TDS system was arbitrary, irrational, and violated fundamental rights. 法院建议请愿人可以向高等法院寻求救济。 The court suggested the petitioner could seek relief in the High Court. 在全球广泛实行TDS制度,要求付款人从付款中扣除税款并将其存入税务部门。 The TDS system, widely practiced globally, requires payers to deduct tax from payments and deposit it with the tax department.