最高法院于9月2日审理质疑GST修正案合宪性的请愿书。 Supreme Court to hear petition challenging GST amendments' constitutionality on September 2.
印度最高法院将于9月2日审理质疑货物和服务税修正案合宪性的请愿书。 A petition challenging the constitutionality of amendments related to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) will be heard by the Supreme Court of India on September 2. 请愿书声称这些修正案改变了征收间接税的权力,不适当地将立法权下放给GST理事会(执行机构),损害了议会的作用。 The petition claims these amendments alter the power of levying indirect taxes and improperly delegate legislative authority to the GST Council, an executive body, undermining Parliament's role. 先前的质疑被驳回,但这一请求要求考虑公共利益。 Previous challenges were dismissed, but this plea argues for public interest consideration.