42岁的Michael Keilty 因在警察突袭后持有儿童色情制品而在班戈被捕。 Michael Keilty, 42, arrested in Bangor for possessing child pornography after police raid.
一名42岁的Bangor男子Michael Keilty因拥有儿童色情制品而面临指控。 A 42-year-old Bangor man, Michael Keilty, is facing charges for possessing child pornography. Bangor警察局在收到缅因州警察的举报后启动了一项调查。 The Bangor Police Department launched an investigation after receiving a tip from the Maine State Police. 他们在Keilty家中执行搜查令,发现数字媒体载有12岁以下儿童的清晰图像和视频。 They executed a search warrant at Keilty's home and found digital media containing explicit images and videos of children under 12. Keilty是在对缴获的物品进行法医检查后被捕的。 Keilty was arrested following the forensic examination of the seized items.