来自纽约的37岁的John Yungbluth因持有儿童色情制品和未登记攻击武器而被捕。 37-year-old John Yungbluth from NY was arrested for possessing child pornography and unregistered assault weapons.
37岁的纽约Tonawanda的John Yungbluth因拥有儿童色情制品和未登记攻击武器而被捕。 37-year-old John Yungbluth from Tonawanda, NY was arrested for possessing child pornography and unregistered assault weapons. 在家中搜查发现30多件与儿童色情制品有关的计算机证据、13件未登记的突击武器以及85个大容量弹药喂养装置。 A search at his home revealed over 30 pieces of computer evidence related to child pornography, 13 unregistered assault weapons, and 85 large-capacity ammunition feeding devices. Yungbluth面临多重重罪指控,包括儿童拥有性表演,以及犯罪持有武器一、二和三。 Yungbluth faces multiple felony charges, including possession of a sexual performance by a child, and criminal possession of weapons 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.