新西兰男人承认在Eastbourne邮箱里 留下浪漫小说的恶作剧 Man in New Zealand confesses to prank of leaving romance novels in Eastbourne mailboxes.
在新西兰下Hutt的一个男人Richard Dalziel 承认在Eastbourne邮箱里把浪漫小说留作恶作剧。 A man in New Zealand's Lower Hutt, Richard Dalziel, confessed to leaving romance novels in Eastbourne mailboxes as a prank. Dalziel在打扫朋友家时发现几箱书后, 在几天内散发书本, After finding several boxes of books while cleaning a friend's home, Dalziel distributed them over a few days to entertain himself and observe community reactions. 他没有进一步的计划 放下更多的书籍, 但可以留下传单 对于一个表网球联赛。 He has no further plans to drop more books but may leave flyers for a table tennis league.