Google释放了Android 16 Beta 1, 重点是应用程序适应性和高质量的视频支持。 Google releases Android 16 Beta 1, focusing on app adaptability and high-quality video support.
谷歌释放了Android 16 Beta 1, 给开发商提供最新消息。 Google has released Android 16 Beta 1, featuring new updates for developers. 关键功能包括大型显示器的适应性应用程序支持、实时更新实时通知、高级专业视频(APV)高质量视频记录编码支持。 Key features include adaptive app support for large displays, live notifications for real-time updates, and support for the Advanced Professional Video (APV) codec for high-quality video recording. 更新的目的是改进应用程序的适应性和用户在计划2025年Q2发布方面的经验。 The update aims to improve app adaptability and user experience with planned release in Q2 2025.