Google释放了Android 15, 并配有多重任务、相机、地震、人工智能和安全改进。 Google releases Android 15 with multitasking, camera, earthquake, AI, and security improvements.
Google发布了Android 15, 现可在Android开放源码项目上查阅。 Google has released Android 15, now available on the Android Open Source Project. 更新内容将在未来几周推出给支持的像素设备, 其他品牌, 如三星和OnePlus, 将随之推出。 The update will roll out to supported Pixel devices in the coming weeks, with other brands like Samsung and OnePlus to follow. 关键特征包括改进多任务任务、增强照相机性能、地震警报、加强人工智能和安全升级。 Key features include improved multitasking, enhanced camera performance, earthquake alerts, AI enhancements, and security upgrades. 尤其值得注意的是,谷歌已经从甜点主题名称转变为更直截了当的Android版本品牌。 Notably, Google has shifted from dessert-themed names to more straightforward branding for its Android versions.