对布良斯克俄罗斯芯片工厂的无人机攻击 扰乱了防御系统的供应 Drone attack on Russian chip factory in Bryansk disrupts supply for defense systems.
2025年1月24日, 俄罗斯一家大型微芯片工厂Kremniy El遭到无人机袭击, A drone attack hit Kremniy El, a major Russian microchip factory in Bryansk, on January 24, 2025, halting its operations. 这个对俄罗斯国防工业至关重要的工厂 为S-400和Pantsir等防空系统提供组件 The plant, crucial for Russia's defense industry, supplies components for air defense systems like the S-400 and Pantsir. 这是对该设施进行的一系列袭击的最新一次袭击,至少报告了六起事件。 This is the latest in a series of attacks on the facility, with at least six reported incidents. 这次袭击破坏了生产区,中断了电力供应。 The attack damaged production areas and disrupted power supply. 俄罗斯国防部声称最近拦截或摧毁了121架乌克兰无人机,其中包括在Bryansk的37架。 The Russian Defense Ministry claims to have intercepted or destroyed 121 Ukrainian drones recently, including 37 in Bryansk.