乌克兰无人驾驶飞机袭击俄罗斯造成一名儿童死亡, Ukrainian drone strikes in Russia kill a child and damage homes, as tensions and attacks escalate.
据当地州长Alexander Bogomaz称, 在俄罗斯布赖恩斯克地区发生的乌克兰无人机攻击造成一名11岁男孩死亡, A Ukrainian drone attack in Russia's Bryansk region killed an 11-year-old boy and destroyed a house, according to local governor Alexander Bogomaz. 俄罗斯国防部报告夜间摧毁了29架乌克兰无人机,包括布赖恩斯克的20架。 The Russian defense ministry reported destroying 29 Ukrainian drones overnight, including 20 in Bryansk. 这是继俄罗斯最近对乌克兰发动的无人机攻击之后发生的,这次攻击造成停电和住宅区受损。 This follows Russia's recent drone offensive against Ukraine, which caused power outages and damaged residential areas.