Chhattisgarh的CM 保证 $6000 在投资提案中, 推动就业和增长。 Chhattisgarh's CM secures ₹6,000 crore in investment proposals, pushing for jobs and growth.
Chhattisgarh的首席部长Vishnu Deo Sai在孟买会见了投资者和外交官,以吸引投资, Chhattisgarh's Chief Minister, Vishnu Deo Sai, met investors and diplomats in Mumbai to attract investments, securing ₹6,000 crore in proposals across sectors like health, education, IT, and tourism. 自推出新的产业政策以来, 国家吸引了1百万人民币的投资。 Since launching its new industrial policy, the state has attracted ₹1 lakh crore in investments. 该政策提供激励措施,并旨在五年内创造50多万个就业机会。 The policy offers incentives and aims to create over 500,000 jobs in five years. 国家还计划举行一次全球投资峰会,并通过解决毛派活动问题,推动建立更安全的投资环境。 The state is also planning a global investment summit and a push for a safer investment environment by addressing Maoist activity.