印度的Chhattisgarh吸引了20.3亿美元的投资,以绿色能源提案为首。 Chhattisgarh, India, attracts $2.03 billion in investment, led by a green energy proposal.
印度的一个邦查蒂斯加尔吸引了15,184卢比(20.3亿美元)的工业家对包括半导体、信息技术和可再生能源在内的各部门的投资提案。 Chhattisgarh, an Indian state, has attracted Rs 15,184 crore ($2.03 billion) in investment proposals from industrialists for various sectors including semiconductor, IT, and renewable energy. 更新电力有限公司提议对泵储存和绿氢项目投资11 500卢比,这是最大的投资。 Renew Power Limited proposed the largest investment of Rs 11,500 crore for pump storage and green hydrogen projects. Chhattisgarh首席部长向投资者保证全力支持,强调国家致力于促进企业增长,并与国家工业发展目标保持一致。 The Chhattisgarh Chief Minister assured investors of full support, emphasizing the state's commitment to facilitating business growth and aligning with national goals of industrial development.