由于石油工厂的排放,巴格达面临严重的空气污染,超过世卫组织的准则,导致健康危机。 Baghdad faces severe air pollution, exceeding WHO guidelines, due to oil factory emissions, leading to health crises.
巴格达正努力对付石油工厂排放物造成的严重空气污染,特别是在冬季冷空气将烟雾困住时,这导致了烟雾以及哮喘和癌症等健康问题。 Baghdad is grappling with severe air pollution due to emissions from oil-fired factories, particularly during winter when cold air traps the fumes, leading to smog and health issues like asthma and cancer. 该市的PM2.5水平比世卫组织的指南高出七到十倍。 The city's PM2.5 levels are seven to ten times higher than WHO guidelines. 当局关闭了几十家工厂,并指示其他工厂逐步停用重燃料油。 Authorities have closed dozens of factories and instructed others to phase out heavy fuel oil. 尽管伊拉克是主要的石油生产国,但在向可再生燃料过渡方面仍面临挑战。 Despite being a major oil producer, Iraq faces challenges in transitioning to renewable fuels. 积极分子呼吁改善石油质量和绿化带以改善空气质量。 Activists call for better quality oil and a green belt to improve air quality.