新西兰河流中的有毒藻类对人类构成危险,对狗致命;发布红色警报。 Toxic algae in New Zealand rivers pose danger to humans, lethal to dogs; red alert issued.
由于天气温暖,新西兰Wairarapa和Hutt Valley地区的有毒藻类在河流中已达到危险水平。 Toxic algae have reached dangerous levels in rivers in New Zealand's Wairarapa and Hutt Valley regions due to warm weather. 藻类产生一种对人类有害和对狗致命的神经毒素。 The algae produce a neurotoxin that is harmful to humans and lethal to dogs. 当局已发出红色警报警告,并建议避免与水接触。 Authorities have issued red alert warnings and advise avoiding contact with the water. 敦促人们不要让儿童和宠物靠近河流,在访问之前先查看拉加法律协会网站,以了解最新情况。 People are urged to keep children and pets away from the rivers and to check the LAWA website for updates before visiting.