新西兰官员警告河流中的有毒藻类对人类有危险,对狗致命。 New Zealand officials warn of toxic algae in rivers, dangerous for humans and deadly for dogs.
在新西兰的几条河流,包括Waihopai和Ruamāhanga等河流中发现了产生毒素的藻类,促使当局发出警告。 Toxin-producing algae have been found in several rivers in New Zealand, including the Waihopai and Ruamāhanga, prompting authorities to issue warnings. 藻类对人类有害,如果被食用,对狗有潜在致命作用,它们作为深色黏液出现。 The algae, harmful to humans and potentially fatal for dogs if ingested, appear as dark slimes. 官员建议避免与水接触,并让儿童和宠物远离受影响地区。 Officials advise avoiding contact with the water and keeping children and pets away from affected areas. 敦促公众在访问当地河流之前,先查看协会网站了解最新情况。 The public is urged to check the LAWA website for updates before visiting local rivers.