Sumitomo和Van Oord将供应和安装苏格兰525kV HVDC电缆线路,这是Shetland 2项目的一部分。 Sumitomo and Van Oord will supply and install a 525kV HVDC cable link for Scotland, part of the Shetland 2 project.
Sumitomo电力工业公司和Van Oord公司与SSEN Transmission公司签订了一项合同,提供并安装了谢特兰与苏格兰大陆之间的525kV HVDC电缆线路。 Sumitomo Electric Industries and Van Oord have signed a contract with SSEN Transmission to supply and install a 525kV HVDC cable link between Shetland and mainland Scotland. 这些电缆被称为Shetland 2项目,将在Sumitomo在苏格兰Nigg的新设施铺设,该设施即将完工。 Known as the Shetland 2 project, the cables will be made at Sumitomo's new facility in Nigg, Scotland, which is nearing completion. 该项目旨在连接330公里长的电缆,使2千兆瓦的可再生能源能够转让,并创造约150个就业机会。 The project aims to connect 330 kilometers of cable, enabling the transfer of 2 GW of renewable energy and creating around 150 jobs.